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Tips For Teaching Your Dog to Swim

June 1, 2024

Swimming fans are undoubtedly appreciating the heat. Swimming can be a refreshing way to beat the heat on a scorching day. Many of our furry friends thoroughly enjoy swimming as an activity. Just like humans, dogs also need to learn how to swim. Read on for tips on teaching your dog to swim from a Glen Ellyn, IL veterinarian.

What Is A Good Age For Puppies To Start Learning How To Swim?

In general, four months is considered an appropriate age. At that point, Fido has developed a solid understanding of how to use all of his legs and has probably pretty much mastered the basics of being a dog. That is also within the socialization window, which  is the perfect time to expose your animal companion to exciting new experiences. Waiting too long can result in your dog developing a fear of the water. If Fido were any younger, his swimming skills might not be as proficient. That said, every pup is different. Ask your Glen Ellyn, IL vet for specific advice.

Is It Possible To Teach An Older Dog How To Swim?

Contrary to popular belief, it is indeed possible to teach an old dog new tricks. That also includes swimming! 

Yes, senior dogs can still enjoy swimming. It is actually a fantastic exercise option for senior dogs. As you may be aware, arthritis is a common condition in older canines. Swimming can offer Fido a beneficial exercise routine that is also easy on his bones and joints. Additionally, it’s a fantastic way to beat the heat during scorching summer days!

However, with older dogs, you’ll need to take a few additional precautions.  Senior dogs tend to be more sensitive to changes in temperature. Older pets may also experience fatigue more quickly than their younger counterparts. Consult with your veterinarian for personalized guidance.

Can All Dogs Swim?

No, not all puppies are born with natural abilities; it varies from pup to pup. Even pooches who are normally excellent swimmers, such as Golden Retrievers, may not always take to the water like fluffy ducks.

Most dogs can learn to swim with the help of a flotation device, allowing them to move around in the water. However, it does not guarantee their safety while swimming. Some pups just aren’t well suited for it. For instance, dogs with elongated spines and/or shorter legs, like Corgis and Dachshunds, may have trouble maneuvering in water and can quickly find themselves in trouble. Pomeranians and other toy breeds are at risk of drowning even in shallow water. And, due to their narrow airways, brachycephalic puppies such as bulldogs and pugs face a significant risk of drowning. Large dogs and seniors may also not be a good fit. Ask your vet for advice.

Get A Doggy Life Jacket

Another way to ensure Fido’s safety is by providing him with a pet lifejacket. These help with both buoyancy and stability. It’s important to ensure your pet is comfortable wearing them, as it promotes their safety. Wearing a life jacket is essential when engaging in activities near bodies of water, such as boating or camping. Additionally, this can boost his self-assurance in his capacity to maneuver through the water.

Having your canine buddy wear his life jacket around the home is a good way to help him become more comfortable with it, and will also give you a chance to make sure that it fits perfectly! (Don’t forget to capture some adorable photos as well!)

Fido’s Swim Lessons

Choose a location that has a shallow depth and a gradual incline. Visiting a dog-friendly beach is a great option.

Introduce your pet to the water slowly. Talk to your furry friend calmly and soothingly as he’s figuring out what’s going on with all that wet stuff around him. You should never just toss your pooch into water and expect him to figure it out. That’s extremely dangerous! Although your dog may learn the doggie paddle, the experience could be quite traumatic. He might develop a lasting phobia of water, along with a sense of mistrust towards you.

Going into the water with your dog is highly recommended. Your canine buddy will feel safer around you. You can provide support in the water by holding onto him or gripping the handle of his life jacket.

Typically, we suggest utilizing goodies (treats) as a source of motivation during training. In this scenario,  focus on giving praise and compliments to your furry student: save the snacks until all four of your pet’s paws are back on solid ground.

What Do I Do After Swimming With My Dog? 

Make sure to give Fido a thorough rinse after his swim to get rid of any salt, sand, or chlorine.

You’ll also want to pay attention to those furry feet. After a refreshing swim, your furry companion’s paws will be extra sensitive. When dogs’ paw pads become wet, they take on a delicate and wrinkled appearance, much like our own skin. Running on hot or rough surfaces like sand or pool decks can cause painful blisters and abrasions for your pup. Keep your furry friend on a surface that is gentle on his paws following his training session.

Which Dog Breeds Like Swimming?

It’s no wonder that numerous puppies are skilled swimmers. Many of our beloved dogs were initially given assignments that involved swimming. Retrievers, for instance, have a natural instinct to bring back ducks and other game to their owners. Some of our canine buddies even have webbed feet and sleek coats to assist them in this endeavor.

The following is a list of dogs that typically love the water:

  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Newfoundland
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Chesapeake Bay Retriever
  • Standard Poodle
  • Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
  • English Setter
  • Otterhound
  • Curly-coated retriever
  • Boykin Spaniel
  • Barbet
  • Lagotto Romagnolo
  • Irish Setter
  • German Shorthaired Pointer
  • Brittany
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Schipperke

Keeping Fido Safe At The Pool

If you have a pool or plan to bring Fido to a pool, you’ll need to take additional precautions.

First and foremost? Take time to familiarize your dog with the location of the steps. This could potentially save Fido’s life if he fell in unnoticed. Spend a bit of time on this training, and test your furry friend out a bit, to make sure he really remembers. Consider adding a visual sign near the pool stairs, like a life buoy.

Another thing to keep in mind about pools? The swimming pool cover. Fabric covers may be unable to support Fido’s weight. However, your furry companion may confuse it for a solid surface and inadvertently venture onto it. This poses a significant risk. Make sure that the pool is securely gated off when it is not in use.

Last but certainly not least … always supervise your dog when they are near water. Even the most skilled canine swimmers can experience panic when they unexpectedly fall into the water. Never leave Fido unattended near water, even for a minute!

Schedule An Appointment At Your Local Glen Ellyn, IL Pet Clinic 

Do you want to discuss any specific issues regarding your dog’s health or care? Feel free to reach out to us, your local Glen Ellyn, IL pet hospital, whenever you need assistance. We are dedicated to providing the best veterinary care around!